Parent Information



School hours are from 08:30 – 12:00. Little ones should be dropped off by no later than 09:15, it is important that all of the friends are given an opportunity to settle, late arrivals can unsettle and disrupt their play environment.

Little Oaks is open Monday – Friday.

How many days of the week your little one attends school should be based on what works for them. Our recommendation is no less than 3 days per week.

The availability of aftercare (before or after school) is assessed on a term-by-term basis. If available, early morning care is from 08:00 – 08:30, and after school care is from 12:00 – 13:00, at an additional rate per hour, per day.


Your little one is welcome from 20 months, however they need to be able to verbally express their needs and discomfort (at a basic level) before they start.

They will leave Little Oaks at the end of the year that they turn 3 years old.

No need to be potty trained, diapers welcomed – this is a journey we can do together!


Please send your little ones to school in durable, comfortable, and non-precious clothing. We want them to play freely, barefoot, get messy and be able to move their little bodies around without restrictions.

Clothing will get wet, messy and covered in paint – it is a sign of a great day of play!


  • We encourage a familiar and personal comfort toy / binkie, or blankie to come along to school for emotional support.
  • However, we request that no other toys be brought to school as this can cause a lot of stress with sharing, and unhappiness and misunderstanding in the school environment for all of the friends.
  • Finally, please leave dummies at home, this impedes language development and social communication and are not to be brought to school.


We welcome recycled objects for our creative work. Useful items include: 

– Bubble wrap

– Brown packaging paper

– Big brown paper bags

– Polystyrene sheets or trays

– Cardboard boxes

– Toilet rolls, carlton roller towels or egg-boxes

– Bottle tops, corks, feathers

– Scrap paper or cardboard

– Yoghurt cups or tubs

– Old pots or utensils for our kitchen play

If you would like to donate second hand toys or books, we are always happy to receive more play items!


Birthdays are very exciting and we love celebrating together. We encourage cupcakes or a sweetie (easy to manage) for each little one so we can celebrate together at snack time. Please chat to me beforehand so we can confirm a date and discuss birthday spoils beforehand.


Prior to Term Commencement

If you wish to withdraw your application from Little Oaks after your position has been secured, the withdrawal will be subject to the following fees:

More than 30 Days Notice of Withdrawal

  • No refund of placement fee
  • Full refund of any school fees paid

Less than 30 Days Notice of Withdrawal

  • No refund of placement fee
  • 75% refund of any school fees paid

During The School Year

Should you wish to withdraw from Little Oaks during the course of the school year at any point, 1 full terms notice period is required.

Fees already paid are non-refundable.



Everyday we participate in creative activities, however there will be days when your little one may not feel like doing any art for the day and that is always respected.

Although we encourage and always leave a space for them to join if they so desire, we will never force them to participate or distress them for choosing not to.  At this critical age playing, making memories with their friends, having fun and outdoor physical development is equally as important.

Remember, creativity is also expressed through our singing and music time, dancing, open-ended play and discovery, movement and expression, story time and imaginary play.

Please don’t be upset if some of their art is missing, remember they have expressed themselves in their own way, learnt through play and had a magical day with their friends.

starting their school journey

Starting school is tough for both you and your little one – separation anxiety and stress can create an environment where they feel unsafe, scared and overwhelmed – setting off their internal alarm bells and creating a separation experience that is traumatic for the both of you.

The best way to do this is to move at an individual and unique pace, to ensure maximum comfort levels and ensuring they feel supported, heard and understood. Some Squirrels might fly into school without a backward glance, some Hedgehogs might need a bit more time to warm up and some encouragement and some Foxes might find this is very tough and struggle emotionally.

At the beginning of each new school year – the first week will be set-up specifically to arrange for settling in and an easy transition into a new environment.

As much as we would love to have you with us on day 1, parents are not able to attend school with their little one. This delays the eventual separation, inhibits the bonding phase, and sets a precedent that you will be in attendance with them going forward, only making eventual separation even harder.

We encourage one parent to do the drop-off as seeing both parents or family members leaving without them, can be very distressing. Before leaving, ensure they are settled, say a goodbye whilst staying positive and remind them you will be back for collection. We try make this as quick as possible to limit apprehension and an unsettled state to develop. 

If separation was tough, we will always send you a photo update after the goodbyes, to reassure you of their well-being.

Each little one is different and each will require a different approach – this is a process and something we will work on together to best suit your child and the rest of the friends in the group.


Please fuel up your little one with breakfast at home to ensure they are ready for a morning of play!

Lunchboxes (healthy and varied snacks) and water bottles (diluted juice or water only) will need to be labelled, packed and brought along to school for shared snack time. Please do not pack yoghurt tubs, they are very messy and require a great deal of supervision.


Ample parking is available in the church parking lot for easy and safe drop-off and collection.

Please park considerably and respectfully, no double parking, parking in demarcated no parking bays/zones/disabled bays, or blocking the main gate or walkways to any part of the church or school area.


Please let me know if anything unsettling is happening at home, and your little one needs to be handled with extra care. This can include: mommy / daddy travelling, death in the family, divorce, lack of sleep, constipated, uncomfortable or just having an off day. This will be handled with the utmost confidence and allows us to see why behaviour is unfolding or emotions are running high. Context helps to understand how we can best support them together.

If you have any concerns or need to chat to elaborate further than a quick update at drop-off, please let me know and we can make an appointment to discuss in depth and I can give you my full attention.


If your little one has a temperature, requires medicine to remain settled or comfortable, has an infectious illness (e,g. vomiting or diarrhoea) or an infected cold, please let them rest at home until fully recovered to keep the teacher and all of the friends safe and healthy.

On applying, a full sick policy will be provided.



Please ensure all of our health and safety, by notifying us in advance if there is risk of exposure to COVID-19, or if there are any concerns related to this. Goodbyes, as much as possible, are please encouraged at the door – with the parking lot looking onto the outside play area and directly into the classroom you can be reassured of their comfort.

The below is subject to changes in the lockdown legislation, and is as per the last update:

Early childhood development centres will remain open. No social distancing measures will apply in the basic education sector.

What happens if the teacher or member of staff has been exposed to someone with symptoms or someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

Contacts do not have to isolate unless they develop symptoms.

What happens if the teacher or member of staff tests positive for COVID-19?

A confirmed laboratory positive COVID-19 case that is asymptomatic is not required to isolate. A confirmed laboratory positive COVID-19 case that is symptomatic is required a period of 7 days of isolation, unless a longer period is recommended by a medical practitioner.

What happens if a child displays symptoms of COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone who is showing symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19?

If the child is displaying symptoms, or produces a confirmed laboratory positive COVID-19 case that is symptomatic, they are required a period of 7 days of isolation.

If there are no symptoms, or the child is asymptomatic, the child nor their contacts have to isolate unless they develop symptoms. 

What happens if a child who later tests positive for COVID-19, has come to school while potentially infectious?

Contacts do not have to isolate unless they develop symptoms.